kepler是什么意思 kepler的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Kepler n wte an ode to the telescope...

2. While it's Kepler the telescope, the instrument that stares, it's we, life, who are searching.

翻译:虽然是开普勒望远镜在凝视着太空 但最终是我们,在不断地搜寻。

3. The Kepler search is focused on a specific section of the Milky

翻译:跟地球类似星球位置而造 开普勒探索计划 集中在银河系一个具体位置。

4. By the time Kepler is done with its mission,

5. This star is called Kepler-186f.

6. Kepler, Newton, Faraday, and, finally, James Clark Maxwell.

翻译:到欧几里得 再到阿尔哈曾 古希腊数学家及教育家 埃及物理学家 开普勒 法拉第。

7. Ecuador, my fend Kepler, as you can see, they call him Juan.

翻译:厄瓜多尔,我朋友开普勒 你是知道,他们叫他胡安.。

8. All the stars for Kepler are just points of light.

9. Well then, Johannes Kepler wondered why the snowflake is stctly of a hexagonal shape.

10. Ecuador, my fend Kepler, as you can see, they call him Juan.

11. it be in 2009 with the lnch of NASA's Kepler mission.

翻译:故事开始于 2009 年, NASA 启动了开普勒计划。

12. The Kepler missionis similar to COROT, but will be sensitive.

13. Kepler's data rals planets' sizes as well as their distance fm their parent star.

翻译:开普勒望远镜数据 揭示了行星大小, 以及它们与其母恒星之间距离。

14. Johannes Kepler is the person that figed out the laws of planetary motion.

15. Bill Borucki, Kepler pncipal investigator at NASA Ames Research Centre, said: “We have now got good planet confirmation with Kepler 22b.



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