断奶歌曲用英语怎么说 断奶歌曲英语翻译

断奶歌曲英语是"weaner",还可以翻译为early weaning,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到43个与断奶歌曲相关短语翻译和用法。

1. Part1 Enjoy the song and know some backgund of the song.

2. Study of Substitute Milk on Technique of Lamb Ablactation at No

3. Commercial songs, pop music can't be honest.

4. Well, aren't you a little old for a poody?

5. Ablactation what kind of pblem can you encounter?

6. The Application of the EM Cultivation Medium to the Weaner Piglets

7. When does darling ablactation best?

8. "Weaning piglets" : weaning to 10 ZhouLing pig.

9. Ablactation what kind of pblem can you encounter?

标签: 翻译  英语  英语翻译  歌曲