亿童幼儿用英语说"young child",其次还可以说成"rug rat",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到47个与亿童幼儿相关短语翻译和用法。
1. You killed three of the Tong.
2. is children's clothes, so, let's go
3. (Lghter) Kindergarten begins in kindergarten.
4. You know, fairy tale and castle.
5. You'll notice children in the streets as well.
6. Looking at children's books?
7. Master Ali, i was called for the Doctor.
8. 5 billion won is correct 2 billion in cash and 3 billion in bonds
9. Lester "The Molester" Cockinshtuff.
译文:莱斯特・"恋童"・巴专家 (莱斯特与恋童部分同音)。
10. Kiddy fiddlers, man, strange.