谈心疗法英语是"treatment Orr",还可以翻译为larval intracavitary,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到63个与谈心疗法相关短语翻译和用法。
1. i love talking and conversing with you.
2. You don't talk to me any.
3. Yo letters will have no name
4. We used to sit aund a table and talk about things.
5. Now who else can i talk to?
6. My scarf suits you. i'm glad to see you weang it.
7. Well, let's just have a little talk.
8. You know, that's why i was over here so much.
9. Often, just talking soothes one's mind
10. Guys don't talk to guys, about guy pblems.
11. - When have i r wanted to talk about it?
12. This isn't a conversation.
13. Subject_Topical_Eng: Natal Theuti; Polaty Therapy; Shiatsu.
14. Hanging with yo fends?
15. i don't want a heart-to-heart.