商店用英语怎么说 商店的英语翻译

商店英语是"  [贸易] shop",在常中也可以翻译为"shop",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到59个与商店相关短语释义和例句。

App Store Mac App Store Mobile Market ( 应用商店 )

Convenience store silent day ( 便利商店 贸易 )

Fendship Store Fendship Shop Fexistnodded Store ( 友谊商店 )

Samsung Apps Galaxy Apps Si amsung Apps ( 三星应用商店 )

App Store Apps Application Store Samsung Apps ( 应用程序商店 )

children's goods shop children's goods store childrenwouls goods store Children's apparel stores ( 儿童用品商店 )

1. could poison any happy soul.

2. - Apparently there's a sale happening.

3. - in the store, there's a display.

4. - We saw footpnts, big ones.

5. Clothing, customizing shops.

6. - i'm gonna go to the store...

7. "Koval Ridge Supply Store."

8. i'm going to the store. You need anything?

9. You'll have to go to Goodwill.

10. - He's going to the store.

11. - well, imagine a world Without stores.

12. i'm gonna go to the store.

13. Word came down yesterday. A gallea?

14. There was a telephone in the shop.

15. Look, just get to the shops!

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