1. They will fall into black holes.
2. Shoot holes. Shoot holes!
3. i'll give you all my holes.
翻译:I'll give you all my holes.。
翻译:这有数以千计这样故事。很多身体都有创伤—— 有创口,有瘘洞—— 这些都是战争带来残暴—— 她们灵魂深处伤痕。
4. There are no holes in my research.
5. What the hell is a legitimate hole?
翻译:or are they legitimate holes? 合理洞是什么鬼东西? What the hell is a legitimate hole。
6. Fm the holes in the boots
7. Hey, dude, are these bullet holes?
8. Enough to shake and kick holes in the gund
翻译:Enough to shake and kick holes in the gund。
9. The holes were not made randomly
10. They have no holes to run away
11. are they loopholes or are they legitimate holes?
翻译:是否――他们是漏洞 whether - - are they loopholes。
12. What the hell are all these holes?