london2012是什么意思 london2012的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. He's booked in the London Park Hotel.

2. Grew up in Philly, but born in London.

3. in my opinion, this is the finest place in London.

翻译:this is the finest place in London.。

4. Now, we've got branches in Edinbgh, Liverpool, Birmingham, and London.

5. it has abig le in staging the London Olympi in 2012, perhaps the biggest grand pjet undertaken by this government


6. Mr Deighton goes so far as to descbe the business model for London 2012 as "a massive joint vente" .


7. London bdge is falling down.

翻译:火车过山洞, London bdge is falling down。

8. The 800, 000-dollar London 2012 animation is now slated for a reedit .


9. She entered the final of the 100 meters in the 2012 London Paralympi.

10. London is the place for me

翻译: 伦敦 很适合我 London is the place for me。

11. You know, me and my bther, we're going to rule London.

翻译:we're going to rule London.。

12. Soon, London will be the same.

13. And i have been missing London so.

14. William London is a fidgety boy.

15. He was convicted of mortgage and credit card frd, and he will be released fm Worod Scrubs jail in London in 2012.

翻译:他因抵押贷狂和信用卡欺诈被定罪 他将于xx年从伦敦Worod Scrubs 被释放。

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