black cat意思是"与黑猫友情、黑猫",作为名词时有"黑页岩"意思,发音音标为[美 ],black cat在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到49个与black cat相关同义词和例句。
1. Well, kiss my sister's black cat's ass!
2. Eve made fends with her pet tortoise in the grass or mped with the black cat or with the tabby cat.
3. i think we hit the yellow bcks, find this Joshua cat.
4. Black Cat Aeal Phenomenons or the Whistling Dixies.
5. "To the owner of the black cat killed last night..."
6. i nr noticed. is yo cat all black?
7. - A black cat, maybe, Carl.
8. All it takes to be a star is talent and a black and white cat!
9. i'm meeting her at the Black Cat for dnks.
10. Nothing's impossible for the Black Cat.
11. This is my black cat Jiji.
12. But it isn't a black cat becse it is white in hair.
13. Maggie... yo black cat is cssing my path.
14. Van, how come no hot, young, Amecan cat?
15. Long, black, pretty legs and she walks just like a cat
翻译:[Long, black, pretty legs and she walks just like a cat]。