swifty是什么意思 swifty的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. She's a he. His name is Swifty.

2. Tell Swifty Lazar he should not have overexposed his client on television.

翻译:那告诉史威夫蒂·拉扎尔 别让他客户在电视上过度曝光。

3. Galella cght this shot of them arving at Spago in West Hollywood for talent agent Swifty Lazar's after-party, one of the most famous and exclusive nts in town.


4. - i'm selling them Swifty pducts. - Shut up.

5. Just iore him Swifty, love.

6. - Think of money, though, Swifty.

7. Look, the girls got the best part in the picte, what do you want me to do? i can't Swifty.

8. - Swifty, we're gonna be scrap men, us.

翻译:但swifty,他们有一个磁带 omiarzami。

9. Swifty, come on. How are we going to get home?

10. - ing hell, Swifty. - Come on.

11. - Go on, Swifty, hit him! Go on, Swifty!

12. Don't worry, Swifty. i'm not going to rat you out.


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