billy bob thornton是什么意思 billy bob thornton的中文翻译、读音、例句

billy bob thornton中文解释是"比利鲍伯松顿、比利·鲍勃·桑顿",在常中也代表"松顿"意思,在线读音是[billybohornton],billy bob thornton来源于英语,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到90个与billy bob thornton相关句子。

1. ♪ i better leave, i better leave, i better stop... ♪

2. Billy Bob will se enough fix their ass, huh?

3. He's played with billy preston and bob dylan,

翻译:他曾与Billy Preston和Bob Dylan合作过。

4. We're gonna be bthers, Billy.

5. What does the crew think of me, Billy?

6. - But i'm gonna talk to Bob.

7. There's a war coming, Billy.

8. That's my bther-in-law! That's Billy Bob!

9. - Pull it! - Shut up, Billy!

10. Break out Billy Bong Thornton.

11. He used to live in a box nd the corner fm my apartment.

翻译:这是乞丐Billy! This is Billy the bum。

12. it's also a movie starng Billy Bob Thornton.

13. - Ha! it's 1978. - No, Billy.

14. Billy Bob, we got them spotted.

15. Billy Bob ced 'cse he's a bit of a cryer.

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