nichole alden在英语中代表"表演者"意思,其中文解释还有"表演者"意思,在线读音是[nicholealden],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到62个与nichole alden相关用法和句子。
nichole alden一般作为名词使用,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多。
1. "it's ugh, " said Mike Reyerson, a senior at Alden-Conger High School of Alden, Minnesota.
2. Yes, there's been a mder at 232 Alden Dve.
3. "They would like to demonstrate that their beni intentions are best represented in places like Afca, " said Alden.
4. Nichole came home in January.
5. Alden ordered that jonalists be cut.
6. in 2001, Alden had both fame and wealth.
7. Howr, although Standish was fearless in battle, he was too shy to confnt Mullins directly, so he sent his young fend, Alden.
8. When they received word that the captain had been killed fighting indians, Alden and Mullins agreed to marry.
9. And Sergeant Alden is black. Not a lot of love lost there.
10. Still John Alden went on, unheeding the words of Pscilla.
11. 'And there was Alden Pyle.
12. More and newsoms are being sold off to companies like Alden.
13. Evocative and impassioned, mischievous and sultry, Nichole ALDEN is on a perpetual quest for her next musical exploration.
14. Look, i-i phoned Marcus Alden, Danny Trent.
翻译:我联系过Marcus Alden Danny Trent。
15. Fendship prevailed over love, and Alden went on his errand.