specifying是什么意思 specifying的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. After the descption element, this template s the point element, specifying the longitude and latitude of the Placemark on the map.


2. You contl the charactesti of the makefile by specifying apppate pperties for yo pject using the Pject Pperties GUi.


3. Each different color has a different maetic polaty, and the sequence is uniquely specifying the structe that is coming out.

翻译:每一种颜都有不同磁力 序列可以准确规定生成结构。

4. Each different color has a different maetic polaty, and the sequence is uniquely specifying the structe that is coming out.

翻译:每一种颜都有不同磁力 序列可以准确规定生成结构。

5. When specifying the Format attbute pperty as UserDefined, you need to take the following actions in yo code


6. You can use the secfsd and vmd pcesses as commands by specifying options.

标签: 翻译  意思  中文  读音  中文翻译