nonzero是什么意思 nonzero的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The only convention prescbed is that 0 should be retned for success and a nonze value for faile.

2. if the function succeeds, the retn value is nonze.

3. The same reasoning applies for any nonze "tensor" field; a vector is a special case of a tensor.


4. Blank Detail Specification for Class iVd Nonze Dispersion Single Mode Optical Fibers for the 1550 nm Window


5. The buffer receives a DWORD value that is nonze if virtualization is enabled for the token.


6. And the pblem of solving for a nonze solution to Eq. (3) is known as an eigenvalue pblem.


7. A commutative ng with unity having no pper divisors of ze, that is, where the pduct of nonze elements cannot be ze.


8. its value must be a positive nonze integer number.

9. and ing the nonze coefficients of the DCT domain representation into the hybd data structe.


10. The Vegas shooter may or may not have been one of them, but with sn and a half billion of us, this is a nonze population.

翻译:拉斯维加斯枪手可能是, 也可能不是这其中一员, 但是我们有75亿人口, 这是个非零总体。


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