citizens of humanity是什么意思 citizens of humanity的中文翻译、读音、例句

citizens of humanity意思是"蓝牛仔裤、灰修身牛仔裤",其中文解释还有"牛仔裤"意思,在线发音:[citizensofhumanity],citizens of humanity在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到37个与citizens of humanity相关近义词和例句。

1. To humanity! And know this...

2. Concerned citizens call the cops.

翻译:担心市民会打给 Concerned citizens call the cops.。

3. We are citizens of humanity and today we have prevailed.

4. Humanity as we know it will be wiped fm the face of the Earth.

翻译:人类将从地表消失 Humanity as we know it will be wiped fm the face of the Earth.。

5. anthpolo,humanity,love,psycholo,social media,society,technolo

翻译:anthpolo,humanity,love,psycholo,social media,society,technolo。

6. This is a world for humanity

7. Who tns off their humanity And commits mder instead of dealing

翻译:关闭了人 还 who tns off their humanity and commits mder。

8. On the other hand, that-- Hmm.

翻译:Forcing someone to tn off their humanity on the other hand, that。

9. You know, i'm just so shocked at the lack of humanity.

翻译:I'm just so shocked at the lack of humanity.。

10. They beli that humanity consciousness the soul is a perversion, a dilution of spit.

翻译:他们觉得人 意识 灵魂 They beli that humanity consciousness the soul a dilution of spit.。

11. health,humanity,medicine,meme,science,society


12. Free citizens have a ght to pvacy.

翻译:Free citizens have a ght to pvacy.。

13. Asia,art,humanity,photography,storytelling,third world,war

翻译:Asia,art,humanity,photography,storytelling,third world,war。

14. So the Un-Amecan Commi bears its tragic fruit.

翻译:threatens the of other citizens. 威胁其他公民自由。So the Un。

15. This is a job for humanity.

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