three floor在中文中有"个少女牌、荷叶连衣裙"意思,还有丝质连身裙意思,在线读音是[threefloor],three floor来源于英语,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到21个与three floor相关近义词和例句。
1. Three, maybe fo empty oms on this floor.
2. Three, fo, now she wants you on the floor.
3. Slowly place it on the floor and take three steps back.
4. -One on the floor, three backstage.
5. ♪ last night a little dancer
翻译:♪ Came pumpin' css my floor ♪。
6. On the second floor, there's these three Japanese boys.
翻译:地下一层满是鲜血 'The floor you could not see beneath the floor was covered with blood.。
7. Three large globes stand on the floor.
8. Dp yo panties to the floor
翻译: Dp yo panties to the floor。
9. The pull of the dance floor...
10. Well, my uncle used to work there...
翻译:my uncle used to work there... in a floor。
11. Second floor, northwest three.
12. Other dancers may be on the floor
翻译:∮ Other dancers may be on the floor。