Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom who was always feeling sad and lonely. He had no friends and felt like an outsider in his own family. One day, his mother suggested that he try to make a new friend, and he reluctantly agreed. He wandered into the park and sat down on a bench next to a girl named Alice. They started chatting and soon realized that they had a lot in common. They both loved reading, playing sports, and laughing together. As they got to know each other better, they realized that they were becoming closer and closer. Tom started feeling more confident and happy, and he realized that he had found a new friend.
The moral of the story is that making new friends can be challenging, but it's worth it. Friendships are a valuable asset that can bring joy, happiness, and fulfillment to our lives. Even if you feel alone or unsure of yourself at first, there's always someone out there who could be a great friend for you.
So, don't be afraid to try new things and make new friends. You never know what could happen!标签: #简短的 寓意好的 英文